
Shivang Vijay

Shivang Vijay

With over four years of experience in the field, I have honed my skills as a developer with expertise in C++, Python, and Agile development methodologies. Throughout my career, I have successfully implemented load balancing techniques to optimize performance and ensure seamless user experiences. My proficiency in these areas, combined with my strong problem-solving abilities, allows me to tackle complex challenges and deliver high-quality solutions. I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies, enabling me to continuously improve and adapt to the evolving needs of the development landscape.

  • Role

    Robotics Simulation Developer

  • Years of Experience

    4 years

  • Professional Portfolio

    View here


  • C++ - 3 Years
  • Python - 4 Years
  • Agile development - 2 Years
  • NVIDIA Omniverse - 0.6 Years
  • LLM - 0.6 Years
  • Isaac Sim - 0.6 Years

Professional Summary

  • Nov, 2023 - Present 10 months

    Senior Robotics Software Engineer - L3

    Unbox Robotics
  • Jul, 2022 - Nov, 20231 yr 4 months

    Robotics Software Engineer - L2

    Unbox Robotics
  • Aug, 2021 - Jul, 2022 11 months

    Robotics Software Engineer

  • Sep, 2020 - Feb, 20221 yr 5 months


    Internship - Mobile Robotics Department

Applications & Tools Known

  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


Work History


Senior Robotics Software Engineer - L3

Unbox Robotics
Nov, 2023 - Present 10 months
    • As a Senior Robotics Engineer, I lead a fleet of sortation robots and manage the simulation stack.
    • I integrate client requirements into our agile development process, working across the robotics full stack.

Robotics Software Engineer - L2

Unbox Robotics
Jul, 2022 - Nov, 20231 yr 4 months
    • Created an advanced simulation ecosystem for effortless robotics algorithm testing, featuring a user-friendly interface and a brainless simulation tool to streamline iterative processes for the business team.
    • Implemented an entire transfer of the robotics stack from ROS1 to ROS2, incorporating an initial peer list to mitigate network traffic.
    • Developed a Multi-Agent Path Planner to facilitate the movement of swarm robots (AGVs).
    • Optimized the traversable area of the map by implementing Ant Colony
    • Optimization (ACO) in the Path Planner.
    • Incorporated Junction-based re-planning and Lane relaxation rules to boost efficiency and prevent deadlocks.
    • Dockerized the stack to facilitate seamless integration into the CI/CD pipeline

Robotics Software Engineer

Aug, 2021 - Jul, 2022 11 months
    • Played a pivotal role in the development of the Fleet Management System (FMS) for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), enabling the control of over 300 AMRs.
    • Designed and implemented a Multi-Agent Path Planning system based on a node graph approach.
    • Developed communication protocols that met industry requirements, including Data Distribution Service (DDS), Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), and the implementation of VDA5050 using the Mosquitto library.
    • The FMS has been deployed at various locations in India and internationally.


Internship - Mobile Robotics Department
Sep, 2020 - Feb, 20221 yr 5 months
    • Developed an algorithm to automate the manual process of creating an occupancy grid using SLAM techniques, ARUCO markers, and frontier detection.
    • Received a Pre-placement offer (PPO) from the company

Major Projects


AI Tools Aggregator Web Application
Jan, 2023 - Dec, 2023 11 months

    In today's world, AI tools play a pivotal role in improving efficiency across various fields. I developed a web application that centralizes a comprehensive list of AI tools

    • Implemented user login functionality, enabling users to curate a personal list of favorite AI tools for future reference, and provided a range of Additional user-centric functionalities.
    • Offered the web application free of charge to maximize accessibility and support for AI enthusiasts, professionals, and researchers.
    • Received positive user feedback, achieved significant website traffic tracked by Google Analytics, and notably, garnered a substantial user base, with nearly 45% of users originating from the United States, demonstrating the global impact of the project.

Inter IIT Tech Meet

PlutoX Hackathon
Jan, 2018 - Dec, 2018 11 months
    • Represented IIT Jammu at the 7th Inter IIT Tech Meet in 2018 during the PlutoX hackathon event hosted at IIT Bombay.
    • Implemented a Proportional-Derivative (PD) controller to effectively minimize errors in infrared (IR) sensor data.
    • Successfully completed various challenging tasks during the hackathon, including playing table tennis (TT) with a drone and programming a drone to navigate in straight lines under both continuous and discontinuous wall scenarios using IR sensor technology.


  • Bachelor's in Technology

    Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jammu (2021)


  • Mastering SYSTEM DESIGN From Low-Level to High-Level Solutions Detailed Course Syllabus \x0cCONTENTS

  • Mastering SYSTEM DESIGN From Low-Level to High-Level Solutions Detailed Course Syllabus \x0cCONTENTS