Connectivity Analyst
AccentureSep, 2020 - Present4 yr 6 months
- Leading a Team to Develop a NoCode Low Code Solution to integrate various robotic ARM and robotic extension, and create a logic to program them.
- Worked on integrating MQTT and ROSLIB.js with Angular Webapp to control the robotic hardwares.
- Integrated various apis and wrote unit test cases for them
- Worked majorly in arcgis esri-maps, where I simulated the different markers present on the map on various routes
- Wrote unit test cases for the project using Karma-Jasmine framework
- Got strong exposure in working with database apis and device simulations on map
- Worked to integrate different plugins like Primeng which were needed to develop different Hierarchy structures and tables.
FrontEnd Robotics Projects:
- Developed UI for a robotics use-case were a user will place an order and the Franka Emika robot will sor the ordered items.
- Developed UI for a robotics use-cas were a user will place an order and the
- UR3e arm will pick and place designated items in their particular slots. The
- UI will get realtime updates from the robot of what task it is performing and the images of the identified objects. Used ROSlib.js and mqtt for
- Communicating with the robot.
- Currently Working on a NOCODE platform. The platform will have different widgets , a user will select the appropriate robot, be it AMR or
- ARM, and accordingly the widget options will be displayed. User can program the widgets and then send the data to the backend and then the robot should do the task accordingly.
Robotics (ROS/ROS2)
- Worked on autonomous rover , where I wrote a Smach logic to move the robot from point A to point B using python.
- Implemented a Digital twin of UR3e robot using Unity-3d game engine and controlled it using HoloLens 2.
- Used Moveit Python APIs in ROS 1 to control the UR3e arm.
- Worked with Blender to create Synthetic Images for training models.
- Currently working on migrating project from ROS1 to ROS2.
- Worked with Moveit2 C++ Apis to do motion planning of UR3e robotic arm.
- Developed a Cpp Script for the same.
- Create a custom moveit config file for the same
- Wrote python script to create synthetic images from 3d stl files, by changing the colour of the product, background and dynamically changing other properties to generate 100's of picture for training model
- Wrote a python logic to implement a physics simulation to get PCD(Point Cloud Data) from blender for Bin Picking use case in robotics