
Navpreet Kailay

Navpreet Kailay

Navpreet Kailay is an accomplished iOS Developer with over five years of experience in building and optimizing mobile applications across various industries, including e-commerce, education, and logistics. He has a proven track record of enhancing app performance, ensuring high user engagement, and maintaining a 98% crash-free rate in top-tier applications. He is proficient in Swift, Objective-C, and several key frameworks and tools such as GraphQL, Firebase, and Core Data. Known for his problem-solving skills and ability to collaborate effectively in Agile environments, he has consistently delivered scalable and intuitive solutions, earning recognition like the Plobal Apps Rising Star award for his significant contributions.

  • Role

    Mobile / App Developer

  • Years of Experience

    5 years

  • Professional Portfolio

    View here


  • Foundation
  • Native ios development in swift and objective-c
  • Webkit - 2 Years
  • Mapkit - 2 Years
  • Av foundation - 3 Years
  • Cloud firestore - 1 Years
  • Firebase real-time database and realm - 1 Years
  • Push notifications integration - 5 Years
  • Voip voice and video calling - 1 Years
  • Ios App Development - 5 Years
  • Ios Technologies - 5 Years
  • Restful APIs - 5 Years
  • Swift ui - 1 Years
  • Git - 4 Years
  • Autolayout
  • AVFoundation
  • Crashlytics
  • MVVM Design pattern
  • Firebase real-time database
  • Realm and handling migrations
  • Google and facebook analytics
  • (apns) push notifications integration
  • Xml and json parsing
  • Core Data/Core Animation - 3 Years
  • Realm
  • Handling migrations
  • Apns
  • Voip voice
  • Video calling
  • mvvm architecture
  • Apns (push notifications integration)
  • Json parsing - 4 Years
  • Swift - 5 Years
  • Databases - 5 Years
  • Design patterns - 3 Years
  • Oop - 5 Years
  • UI/UX - 5 Years
  • iOS - 5 Years
  • Rest APIs - 5 Years
  • XML - 0.3 Years
  • Appsflyer - 1 Years
  • MVC - 5 Years
  • MVVM - 3 Years
  • core data - 1 Years
  • firebase analytics - 2 Years
  • Facebook analytics - 2 Years
  • Clevertap - 1 Years
  • Google Analytics - 3 Years
  • Realm database - 0.4 Years
  • Deep links - 3 Years
  • Avplayer - 2 Years
  • Core location - 4 Years
  • Google places apis - 3 Years
  • Objective-C - 5 Years
  • UIKit - 5 Years
  • SwiftUI - 1 Years
  • Asynchronous programming - 2 Years
  • Auto layout - 5 Years
  • Arc
  • Ui animations
  • Sockets - 1 Years
  • User authentication - 3 Years

Professional Summary

  • Nov, 2022 - Mar, 20241 yr 4 months

    SDE - iOS

    Plobal Apps
  • Nov, 2022 - Present1 yr 10 months

    iOS Developer (SDE-1)

  • May, 2022 - Sep, 2022 4 months

    Software Engineer - iOS

    Nickelfox Technologies
  • Sep, 2018 - Sep, 20202 yr

    iOS developer

    TechwinLabs LLP
  • Sep, 2020 - Apr, 20221 yr 7 months

    iOS Developer

    Quadtrics Solutions
  • May, 2022 - Sep, 2022 4 months

    iOS Developer

  • Sep, 2018 - Sep, 20202 yr

    iOS Developer


Applications & Tools Known

  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool

    Firebase Realtime Database

  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool

    Google Analytics

  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool

    Google Sheets

  • icon-tool

    Core Data

  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool

    Google Analytics

  • icon-tool

    Push Notifications

  • icon-tool

    RESTful APIs

  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool

    Firebase Analytics

  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool


  • icon-tool

    Google Maps API

  • icon-tool

    RESTful APIs

Work History



Plobal Apps
Nov, 2022 - Mar, 20241 yr 4 months
    • Played a pivotal role in enhancing the stability and functionality of a robust e-commerce application serving 200+ merchants as part of Platform and Customer Success Teams.
    • Enhanced key features and customizations for Shopify-based mobile applications by leveraging GraphQL for optimal utilization of Shopify APIs. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of new features, significantly improving UI/UX and performance.
    • Addressed critical revenue-affecting issues in the product listing, cart operations, and checkout flows during on-call responsibilities, achieving a 98% crash-free user rate among the top 25 merchants by Q1 2024. Methodically maintained incident and bug-fix records in Confluence and Jira using Crashlytics reports.
    • Conducted rigorous debugging and testing of user engagement data via App Events and behavioural tracking using Firebase Analytics, Facebook Analytics, AppsFlyer, Klaviyo, and CleverTap. Gained experience in data-driven decision-making for marketing campaigns and user engagement strategies.
    • Engaged in Agile development practices, daily stand-ups, task allocations and retrospectives to ensure prompt feature delivery.
    • Used Git for code versioning, ensuring seamless collaboration and code integrity.
    • Tech Stack: GraphQL, Shopify APIs, Firebase Analytics, Facebook Analytics, AppsFlyer, Klaviyo, CleverTap, Git.

iOS Developer (SDE-1)

Nov, 2022 - Present1 yr 10 months
    Played a pivotal role in enhancing the stability and functionality of a robust e-commerce application serving 200+ merchants as part of Platform and Customer Success Teams. Enhanced key features and customizations for Shopify-based mobile applications by leveraging GraphQL for optimal utilization of Shopify APIs. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of new features, significantly improving UI/UX and performance. Addressed critical revenue-affecting issues in the product listing, cart operations, and checkout flows during on-call responsibilities, achieving a 98% crash-free user rate among the top 25 merchants by Q1 2024. Methodically maintained incident and bug-fix records in Confluence and Jira using Crashlytics reports. Conducted rigorous debugging and testing of user engagement data via App Events and behavioural tracking using Firebase Analytics, Facebook Analytics, AppsFlyer, Klaviyo, and CleverTap. Gained experience in data-driven decision-making for marketing campaigns and user engagement strategies. Engaged in Agile development practices, daily stand-ups, task allocations and retrospectives to ensure prompt feature delivery. Used Git for code versioning, ensuring seamless collaboration and code integrity.

Software Engineer - iOS

Nickelfox Technologies
May, 2022 - Sep, 2022 4 months
    • Engineered an educational app empowering first responders with critical hazard material information, achieving substantial scalability across iPad devices through the implementation of the MVVM design pattern.
    • Proficiently managed XML and JSON parsing to fortify the app's architecture and performance.
    • Integrated AVFoundation to enhance multimedia functionality, enabling seamless audio and Video playback.
    • Employed Realm Database for efficient data storage and retrieval, thereby optimizing app Performance and reliability.
    • Ensured consistent app experience across various screen sizes and devices using Autolayout tools and size classes in XIBs and Storyboards.
    • Tech Stack: MVVM design pattern, XML and JSON parsing, AVFoundation, Realm Database, Autolayout tools, size classes in XIBs and Storyboards

iOS Developer

May, 2022 - Sep, 2022 4 months
    Engineered an educational app empowering first responders with critical hazard material information, achieving substantial scalability across iPad devices through the implementation of the MVVM design pattern. Proficiently managed XML and JSON parsing to fortify the app's architecture and performance. Integrated AVFoundation to enhance multimedia functionality, enabling seamless audio and video playback. Employed Realm Database for efficient data storage and retrieval, thereby optimizing app performance and reliability. Ensured consistent app experience across various screen sizes and devices using Autolayout tools and size classes in XIBs and Storyboards.

iOS Developer

Quadtrics Solutions
Sep, 2020 - Apr, 20221 yr 7 months
    • Translated business requirements into scalable and intuitive app interfaces by collaborating with product management teams across 10+ projects.
    • Enhanced GetGlobal App by integrating VoIP calling and real-time messaging using Twilio and SendBird, resulting in improved communication functionality.
    • Implemented RESTful APIs to connect iOS applications to back-end services, ensuring seamless data exchange and functionality with Apple's URLSession wrappers.
    • Demonstrated leadership and confidence by successfully leading 5+ projects as a solo iOS developer, collaborating closely with backend developers and designers to implement new features.
    • Tech stack: Autolayout, UIKit, Twilio, SendBird, RESTful APIs, Apple's URLSession wrappers for Network requests, Moya and Lottie SDK for Animations.

iOS developer

TechwinLabs LLP
Sep, 2018 - Sep, 20202 yr
    • Developed diverse iOS applications for logistics, sports betting, dating, utility, health and fitness, and personal care services, impacting more than 8 projects and showcasing proficiency in various functionalities.
    • Improved slot booking efficiency in the Snip App by creating a custom date and picker using UICollectionView and UITableView, adhering to Apples Human Interface Guidelines.
    • Leveraged Core Data for state management in the Motive app, enhancing the user experience through interactive UI driven by Google Maps API, Annotations, Markers, and Places API, while learning Core Location integration and providing ETAs.
    •  Built Chin Dictionary app, employing Core Data for managing search history and favourite words. Integrated UNNotification framework for local push notifications to deliver a "word of the day" to users and incorporated Speech framework for providing pronunciation of Chinese words.
    • Gained experience with certificates, provisioning profiles, and the Apple Approval & Distribution Process, including Ad-Hoc, AppStore, and TestFlight Distribution. Learned to analyze and address issues in AppStore failure review reports, ensuring successful app submissions.
    • Tech Stack: Alamofire, Core Data, Google Maps API, Annotations, Markers, Places API, Core Location, UNNotification framework, Speech framework, Google Maps, CoreLocation.

iOS Developer

Sep, 2018 - Sep, 20202 yr
    Developed diverse iOS applications for logistics, sports betting, dating, utility, health and fitness, and personal care services, impacting more than 8 projects and showcasing proficiency in various functionalities. Improved slot booking efficiency in the Snip App by creating a custom date and picker using UICollectionView and UITableView, adhering to Apples Human Interface Guidelines. Leveraged Core Data for state management in the Motive app, enhancing the user experience through interactive UI driven by Google Maps API, Annotations, Markers, and Places API, while learning Core Location integration and providing ETAs. Built Chin Dictionary app, employing Core Data for managing search history and favourite words. Integrated UNNotification framework for local push notifications to deliver a 'word of the day' to users and incorporated Speech framework for providing pronunciation of Chinese words. Gained experience with certificates, provisioning profiles, and the Apple Approval & Distribution Process, including Ad-Hoc, AppStore, and TestFlight Distribution. Learned to analyze and address issues in AppStore failure review reports, ensuring successful app submissions.


  • Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of being part of teams that delivered impactful solutions to real-world problems. While individual achievements are important, I find true fulfilment in the collective successes achieved through collaboration and dedication. Some notable achievements include consistently exceeding project goals, receiving positive feedback from clients and users, and being recognized by peers for my contributions. However, I believe that my greatest achievement lies in the continuous pursuit of improvement and learning, striving to make a positive difference in every project I undertake.
  • Plobal Apps Rising Star (2024): For contribution, dedication, and hard work that made a significant impact.

Major Projects


Kyte Baby

Plobal Apps
Nov, 2022 - Mar, 20241 yr 4 months
    • Enhanced the stability and functionality of a robust e-commerce platform used by over 200 merchants.
    • Developed key features and customizations for Shopify-based mobile applications, optimizing performance and user experience.
    • Utilized analytics tools such as Firebase Analytics and Facebook Analytics to inform data-driven decisions for marketing campaigns and user engagement strategies.
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to address platform bugs and ensure seamless integration of new features.
    • Tech Stack: GraphQL, Shopify APIs, Firebase Analytics, Facebook Analytics, AppsFlyer, Klaviyo, CleverTap, Git.

Unnamed E-commerce App

Nov, 2022 - Mar, 20241 yr 4 months
    Enhanced key features and customizations for Shopify-based mobile applications by leveraging GraphQL for optimal utilization of Shopify APIs.

Hazmat First Responders 5th Edition

Nickelfox Technologies
May, 2022 - Sep, 2022 4 months
    • Engineered an educational app empowering first responders with critical hazard material information, achieving substantial scalability across iPad devices through the implementation of the MVVM design pattern.
    • Proficiently managed XML and JSON parsing to fortify the app's architecture and performance.
    • Integrated AVFoundation to enhance multimedia functionality, enabling seamless audio and Video playback.
    • Employed Realm Database for efficient data storage and retrieval, thereby optimizing app Performance and reliability.
    • Ensured consistent app experience across various screen sizes and devices using Autolayout tools and size classes in XIBs and Storyboards.
    • Tech Stack: MVVM design pattern, XML and JSON parsing, AVFoundation, Realm Database, Autolayout tools, size classes in XIBs and Storyboards

Unnamed Educational App

May, 2022 - Sep, 2022 4 months
    Engineered an educational app empowering first responders with critical hazard material information, achieving substantial scalability across iPad devices through the implementation of the MVVM design pattern.

Get Global App

Quadtrics Solutions
Dec, 2020 - Apr, 20221 yr 4 months

    A Social Media app with features like Feeds, Messaging, Sharing and WhatsApp Like Voice and Video Calling.

    • Integrated advanced features such as VoIP calling and real-time messaging using libraries like Twilio and SendBird, enhancing user engagement and retention.
    • Led the project as a solo iOS Developer and achieved the milestones and client's satisfactory feedback.
    • Tech Stack: MVC, UIKit, UIAnimations, Sockets, Moya, Lottie, Google Maps and Google Places API, Git.

Builders App

Dec, 2020 - Apr, 20221 yr 4 months

    The app supports three types of users: Property Owners, Vendors, and Contractors to manage and work on construction projects.

    • Led the project as a solo iOS Developer, achieved the milestones and won the team's confidence.
    • Implemented smooth and fluid UI resulting in enriching user experience while using the app.
    • Tech Stack: Alamofire, Core Data, Google Maps API, Annotations, Markers, Places API, Core Location, UNNotification framework, Speech framework, Google Maps, CoreLocation.

GetGlobal App

Dec, 2020 - Apr, 20221 yr 4 months
    Enhanced communication functionality by integrating VoIP calling and real-time messaging using Twilio and SendBird.

Intrade Industries

Sep, 2018 - Sep, 20202 yr
    • A load transport-based app with modules for Employees, Drivers, and Customers to manage tasks.
    • Incorporated the custom forms UI to easily fill up the logistics data.
    • Implemented Live vehicle tracking.
    • Implemented Route drawing with custom annotations and views on the maps.
    • Tech Stack: Google Maps and Annotations, CoreLocations, UIKit, URLSessions, Alamofire, UIAnimations.

Snip App

Sep, 2018 - Sep, 20202 yr
    Improved slot booking efficiency by creating a custom date and picker using UICollectionView and UITableView, adhering to Apples Human Interface Guidelines.

Motive App

Dec, 2018 - Sep, 20201 yr 9 months
    Leveraged Core Data for state management, enhancing user experience through interactive UI driven by Google Maps API, Annotations, Markers, and Places API.

Chin Dictionary App

Mar, 2019 - Aug, 20201 yr 5 months
    Built using Core Data for managing search history and favorite words. Integrated UNNotification framework for local push notifications and Speech framework for providing pronunciation of Chinese words.


  • Bachelor of Engineering - CSE

    Chandigarh University, Mohali (2018)
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Major in Computer Science



  • Plobal apps rising star (2024)

  • Plobal apps rising star (2024): for contribution, dedication, and hard work that made a significant impact.


  • Books
  • Writing