Hire Drupal Developers in 48 Hours!

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Ankit Admane


Sr. PHP developer

12 Years of experience

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Harinder Singh Maan

Singh Maan

Frontend Developer

11 Years of experience

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John Francis


PHP & Drupal Developer

11 Years of experience

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Lingamurthy G. Y.

G. Y.

Sr. Fullstack Drupal developer

18 Years of experience

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Omprakash Mankar


Sr. Fullstack Drupal developer

5 Years of experience

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Peeyush Jaiswal


Technical Lead/Technical Architect

10 Years of experience

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Poornima Hegde


Sr. Fullstack Drupal developer

7 Years of experience

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Praveen PB


Sr. Fullstack Drupal developer

9 Years of experience

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Ramesh Balda


Sr. Fullstack Drupal developer

11 Years of experience

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Here are ways in which you can explore our business models:

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35% monthly of talent's pay



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$18,000/yr | 40/hrs per week
Platform Fee
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Talent Salary

Starts from $1500 monthly

$18,000/yr | 40/hrs per week
Platform Fee
7.5% one-time of annual salary

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Various Skills that Drupal Developers Possess

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Hire Drupal Developers: Streamline Your Website Development

To compete against your rivals in the digital landscape, your website can be your greatest ally. It’s the most valuable tool that must be well-designed to ensure business success and stand out with a prominent presence.
Drupal is highly regarded for its flexibility, scalability, and robust security in building dynamic websites and elevating your online presence.
Drupal is highly regarded for its flexibility, scalability, and robust security in building dynamic websites and elevating your online presence. This CMS can streamline your website development if you have the right team of experts. In this blog let’s understand the importance of drupal, what skills to look for in the developers, and strategies to get top-tier talent.
  1. Understanding the Importance of Drupal Expertise

    When you are considering website development using Drupal, the expertise of the workforce makes a significant difference. Drupal, known for its robustness is an ideal choice for complex and scalable website development. Hiring skilled drupal developers can be beneficial for your project in the following ways:

    • Drupal has strong security features but you need developers to implement the best practices and safeguard your website against potential vulnerabilities. This is where experienced developers can be of help by optimizing the performance for agile load time and a seamless user experience.
    • Drupal developers have a deep understanding of the platform's core features and functionalities such as themes, custom modules, and configurations. This expertise can ensure you are able to leverage the full potential of drupal for website development.
    • Skilled drupal developers can tailor the extensive features to render a personalized and unique user experience. This customization enhances functionality and ensures scalability and alignment with the business goals as it grows in size.
    • An experienced drupal developer can provide ongoing support and updates effectively, reducing the risk of downtime and ensuring the security and functionality of the website.
  2. Key Skills to Screen When Hiring Drupal Developers

    Choosing the right drupal developer requires a careful screening of various skills and candidate attributes. Some of the essential skills that you must not compromise on include:

    • Technical expertise

      Developers must have extensive experience and knowledge of PHP which is regarded as the primary language for Drupal. They must also be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and proficient in Drupal’s APIs and framework’s architecture.

    • Experience with drupal modules

      Developers should be familiar with the essential modules such as Views, Panels, Commerce, etc. This is because their ability to customize and integrate these modules seamlessly can significantly impact the website’s functionality.

    • Understanding of UI/UX principles

      Good developers should not only be good coders but also good designers keeping the user experience in mind. They should have an understanding of the UI/UX principles to create intuitive and engaging user interfaces.

    • Strong problem-solving approach

      Effective problem-solving is the key to overcome development challenges and optimize performance. Developers should be able to find creative solutions to troubleshoot issues.

    • Communication and collaboration

      Whether developers are working in an office setting or a remote workplace, this is an essential soft skill. They should have exceptional communication and collaboration skills to ensure effective team integration for accurately attaining the project requirements.

  3. Strategies to Efficiently Hire Drupal Developers

    To streamline the hiring process and onboard the best drupal talent, you must implement these strategies:

    • Clearly state your hiring requirements in the form of a well-defined job description. This must outline the skills, experience, and project expectations to attract qualified candidates and ensure goal attainment.
    • Use coding assessments and technical interviews to evaluate the candidate’s technical proficiency and soft skills. Practical tests can provide real-time insights into their proficiency with drupal and ability to handle real-world challenges.
    • Review their work portfolio and conduct a thorough reference check to verify the truthfulness of the resume claims. Garner valuable insights into their work quality, reliability, and overall performance.
    • Ensure the candidate’s culture aligns with your company culture, values, and work ethics. This cultural compatibility will ensure smooth integration into the team and enhance collaboration and productivity.
    • Conduct a comparative salary analysis to be updated about the existing salary trends. This will help you align your compensation strategy with the industry benchmarks and attract top talent ahead of your competitors.
  4. How can Uplers be of help in Hiring Top Drupal Talent

    Just like Drupal talent can streamline the website development, Uplers can streamline your hiring process. With a 1M+ talent network we can get you top-tier drupal talent from across 5+ time zones. At Uplers we implement an AI-powered vetting process to connect you with the top 3.5% of AI-vetted Indian remote talent.

    This approach saves you the hiring hassle and also up to 40% on hiring costs. We also offer a 2-week risk-free trial period and a 30-days talent cancellation policy in case you are unsatisfied with the candidate performance. By partnering with Uplers you can attain outstanding results with a streamlined development cycle.

Why Hiring a Drupal Developer is Crucial for Your Business

Drupal is regarded as a powerful and flexible content management system (CMS) used for creating complex and data-driven websites. The decision to hire skilled drupal developers can be game-changing for your business due to the numerous advantages. Let’s get into specifics as to why having a Drupal developer on your team isn’t just a good idea—it’s a game-changer for your digital strategy.

  1. Expertise in complex website requirements

    Drupal is highly regarded for its ability to handle complex website requirements by offering extensive customization options catering to the specific business needs. A skilled drupal developer must have expertise in the following:

    • Build custom modules

      Ability to develop custom modules tailored to the specific and unique business requirements. The modular architecture of drupal combined with these modules extends the functionality of your website, from advanced user permissions to custom content types.

    • Develop custom themes

      A drupal developer can design and implement custom themes reflecting your brand identity. This helps ensure that your website not only functions well but also stands out visually offering a unique user experience.

    • Integrate complex systems

      To integrate third-party systems such as CRM, ERP, or marketing tools can be complex. A drupal developer who has the knowledge of these can seamlessly integrate these systems ensuring a smooth data flow and functionality.

  2. Managing large-scale content

    Businesses that have extensive content needs, drupal’s content management capability can be the answer. When you hire a drupal programmer they can effectively manage large content volumes including:

    • Drupal’s robust taxonomy system allows detailed categorization and content tagging. This helps users to easily find the information they are looking for, enhancing the overall experience.
    • A drupal developer can set up and manage complex content workflows, ensuring efficient content creation, review, and publication processes.
  3. Maintaining high performance

    Drupal developers are adept in optimizing performance ensuring smooth functioning of the website with high traffic and complex functionalities. This involves:

    • Implementing effective caching strategies for reducing the server load and improving the page load time.
    • Regularly monitoring and optimizing the database to handle large volumes of data efficiently.
  4. Ensuring security and compliance

    Security is critical for any business especially those that are on the digital mediums. Drupal is regarded for its strong security measures and to address the potential vulnerabilities you need to hire drupal developers. The expertise of these professionals plays a crucial role in:

    • Applying latest security patches and updates promptly to protect your site from malware attacks.
    • Adhering to top-rated security practices such as granting proper user permissions, using secure coding practices, and conducting regular security audits to safeguard your website from threats.
  5. Enhancing user authentication

    The flexible user authentication system of Drupal can be customized to address your security needs. A drupal developer can:

    • Set up detailed access controls to ensure that only authorized users gain access to sensitive data or perform specific actions.
    • Integrate single sign-on (SSO) solutions to streamline user authentication while ensuring security.
  6. Optimizing user experience and performance

    Designing intuitive user interfaces is essential to offer a seamless user experience (UX) for retaining the visitors and converting leads. A drupal developer enhances the UX by:

    • Ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and adaptable to distinct screen sizes, rendering a consistent experience across devices.
    • Designing intuitive navigating and user flows making it easy for visitors to find relevant information and interact with your site.

    Website performance also has a direct impact on user satisfaction and search engine rankings. A drupal developer helps with this by:

    • Optimizing load times with techniques such as image optimization, lazy loading, and script minification to reduce page load time.
    • They ensure that the website can handle increased traffic and growing content without compromising performance.
  7. Streamlining integration with other systems

    Integrating the drupal website with other systems and services can enhance its functionality. A drupal developer can:

    • Connect your website with e-commerce platforms to enable online sales, manage inventory, and process transactions.
    • Integration with marketing automation tools to streamline email campaigns, track user behavior, and analyze performance.

    Efficient data exchange between your website and other systems is also critical for smooth operations. When you are considering drupal developers for hire they can:

    • Develop and configure APIs to facilitate data exchange between your drupal site and other systems or applications.
    • Manage data synchronization across systems to maintain consistency and accuracy.

    If you are a business with multiple content management systems (CMS), a drupal developer can:

    • Enable multi-channel publishing by integrating with other CMS platforms. This helps manage content across different channels and maintain a unified content strategy
    • Offers synchronized content updates to ensure that an update made in one system reflects across all connected systems.
  8. How Partnering with Uplers can Transform Your Hiring Process

    Remote recruitment has emerged as a preferred hiring model for global leaders and so has offshoring. With the rising prominence of this hiring approach, the need for hiring platforms is also proliferating. This is where our hiring platform - Uplers enters the plot to ease the hiring hassle with top-notch Indian remote talent.

    By top notch we mean the top 3.5% of drupal developers who are selected from a 1M+ talent network via AI-powered matchmaking. You can hire drupal developers from across 5+ time zones with zero hassle and up to 40% cost-effectiveness. Uplers stands out as a leading hiring platform with over a decade of industry excellence, serving 7,000+ global brands.

    Eliminate the need to sift through a massive pool of applicants with our streamlined 4-step hiring process:

    • Share your job description with us.
    • We use AI to evaluate candidates on language skills, aptitude, technical expertise, and cultural fit.
    • You conduct interviews with the best-fit candidates at your convenience and make your selection.
    • Uplers handles all onboarding formalities with a transparent pricing structure.

    Besides access to exceptional Indian talent you can also benefit from our 2-week risk-free trial, a 30-day talent cancellation policy, and a lifetime free talent replacement guarantee.

    Harness Uplers’ expertise to simplify your hiring and find drupal developers who will drive success and enhance your team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you choose Uplers for hiring Drupal developers?

Uplers provide AI-vetted talent, offering a significant 40% cost advantage compared to hiring from any other country. Our efficient process ensures profile shortlisting within 48 hours, allowing you to swiftly onboard qualified professionals within just 2 weeks. Additionally, we prioritize client satisfaction with our flexible terms, including a 30-day cancellation policy and a lifetime free replacement.

How quickly can I hire Drupal developers through Uplers?

You can get the top 3.5% of AI-vetted profiles in less than 48 hours through Uplers. Once you finalize one of the most suitable Drupal developers, Uplers takes care of the entire hiring and onboarding formalities. This typically takes 2-4 weeks depending on your requirements and decision-making time.

What are the modes of communication through which we can get in touch with hired Drupal developers?

The modes of communication through which you can get in touch with hired Drupal developers include:

  • Email
  • Skype
  • Phone
  • Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Slack, or Microsoft Teams

What if I am not okay with the hired Drupal developers and would like to change the resources or end the engagement?

Uplers offers a 30-day cancellation policy at no extra cost and lifetime free replacement.

What is the average cost of hiring experienced remote Drupal developers?

The average cost of hiring Drupal developers from Uplers starts at $1500. The number varies depending on the experience level of the developer as well as your requirements.

Can I expect absolute English proficiency for the Drupal developers hired through Uplers?

At Uplers, our screening process ensures a thorough evaluation of candidates' language proficiency, facilitated by our AI-vetting technology. Beyond linguistic skills, we prioritize cultural fitness to ensure seamless integration within your team, fostering a harmonious work environment and seamless collaboration.

Are Drupal developers still in demand?

Yes, Drupal developers are still in demand. As a popular content management system (CMS) for building complex and scalable websites, the demand for drupal is driven by its flexibility, robust security features, and extensive customization capabilities. As businesses and organizations continue to seek secure, customizable, and scalable web solutions, skilled Drupal developers are highly valued.

What are the latest trends in Drupal development?

The latest trends in Drupal development include:

  • Drupal 9 and 10 adoption
  • Content personalization
  • Decoupled/Headless Drupal
  • AI and ML integration

How does Uplers’ transparent pricing model work?

Our transparent pricing model provides a clear breakdown of costs, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for. We eliminate hidden fees and offer customizable solutions tailored to your needs.