Hire an AI Engineer in 48 Hours!

Transparent Pricing | Top 3.5% of Talents
Get the top AI-vetted AI engineers to beat the talent war. Our platform will help you hire the perfect candidate at up to 40% cost savings.
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Recently added AI Engineers in our Network

Exp. 14.5 Years
Amith K A
Amith K A
Technical Manager (Engineer - ML/AI)
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Exp. 8 Years
Kundan Singh
Kundan Singh
Senior Generative AI Engineer
Data Science
Machine Learning
Exp. 9 Years
Sai Vignan Malyala
Sai Vignan Malyala
Head of AI
ML Engineer with Python
Exp. 5 Years
Udaya Sai Chikka
Udaya Sai Chikka
Senior Generative AI Engineer
Machine Learning
Data Science
Exp. 10 Years
Yateendra Tripathi
Yateendra Tripathi
Data Scientist
Python Programming
Data Science
Exp. 5 Years
Yogesh Joshi
Yogesh Joshi
Sr Data Scientist
Data Science
Deep Learning
Machine Learning

How much do you have to pay?

Uplers is the only platform that provides fair & transparent pricing when hiring from India.
Here are ways in which you can explore our business models:

Hire a contractor

Ideal when you want to hire independent professionals, with limited compliance.

Talent Pay

Starts from $2000 monthly

$12.5/hr | 40/hrs per week
Min. 3 months Contract
Platform Fee
35% monthly of talent's pay



Hire an employee on
Uplers payroll

Full-time Employment, without the hassle of payroll management.

Talent Salary

Starts from $1500 monthly

$18,000/yr | 40/hrs per week
Platform Fee
35% monthly of talent's salary



Direct-hire on your

Perfect when you want to hire and manage payroll on your own.

Talent Salary

Starts from $1500 monthly

$18,000/yr | 40/hrs per week
Platform Fee
7.5% one-time of annual salary

Hire AI Engineers in 4 Easy Steps

  • What You Need

    Tell us what you need

    We'll get in touch with you to understand your requirements and preferences.
  • Meet Top Talent

    Meet the top talent

    Get 3 to 5 suitable, pre-vetted candidates in 48 hours.
  • Interview

    Interview with ease

    Choose the candidate that aligns with your needs and we'll arrange an interview.
  • Confidence Hire

    Hire with confidence

    Once you decide, we'll take care of the onboarding process for you.

With Uplers,
no more posting a job on multiple portals.

Hire in 48 Hours
Hire in 48 hours!
Access a range of portfolios for your selection.
Top 3.5% talents
Top 3.5% talents
A robust network of 1M+ talents who are pre-vetted.
40% cost savings
40% cost savings
Save on costs for equivalent work compared to your locality.
40% cost savings
Fair & transparent pricing
Talents are paid competitive salaries with utmost price transparency among all three stakeholders
Works in your local time zone
Works in your local time zone
Get talents aligned with your schedule and time zone.
Post-hiring support
Post-hiring support
Payroll, IT, and admin management are all part of what we do after hiring.
Simple Contracts
Simple contracts
Our contracts are straightforward to avoid confusion.
Easy Replacement
30 days cancellation & Lifetime replacement
Get post-hire assistance with our 30-days easy cancellation & lifetime free talent replacement policies.
2X retention
2X retention
Our brand reputation and commitment to pay our talents fairly results in 2x retention.

Various Skills that AI Engineer Possess

Access the talent network of 1M+ skilled professionals with 100+ skill sets

  • Python
  • C++
  • R
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • scikit-learn
  • PyTorch
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras

Top Clients Reviews

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Uplers earned our trust by listening to our problems and finding the perfect talent for our organization.

Baris Agacnad
Barış Ağaçdan Director
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Uplers helped to source and bring out the top talent in India, any kind of high-level role requirement in terms of skills is always sourced based on the job description we share. The profiles of highly vetted experts were received within a couple of days. It has been credible in terms of scaling our team out of India.

Baris Agacnad
Aneesh Dhawan Founder
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Uplers’ talents consistently deliver high-quality work along with unmatched reliability, work ethic, and dedication to the job.

Linda farr
Linda Farr Chief of Staff
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Uplers helped Tanium successfully grow their distributed team and achieve business goals in 2020, amidst the pandemic and talent shortage. Tanium was able to onboard the right fit on time to launch their marketing campaign, which played a crucial role in its growth story. Tanium found Uplers’ talents to be quick, efficient, and remarkable.

Baris Agacnad
Venus Wills Senior Director of Demand Execution, Tanium
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Uplers' efficient, quick process and targeted approach helped us find the right talents quickly. The professionals they provided were not only skilled but also a great fit for our team.

Baris Agacnad
Melanie Kesterton, Head of Client Service
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Uplers impressed me with their speed. They onboarded us, found a great candidate (Imran), and had us up and running in less than a week. The process was smooth, and while Imran had more experience than I initially expected, I felt confident he'd be a perfect fit.

Baris Agacnad
Candice Marshall Chief Marketing Officer

Case Study

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Building Sydney Digital Marketing’s Game-changing team of Remote Talents from Uplers

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Knit- a fast-paced startup in the US scales up faster to find the perfect fit with Uplers

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Uplers Helps Tripadvisor Identify Top Tech Talent in India

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GitLab, with the help of Uplers, found the perfect addition for its engineering team within 15 days

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Uplers helps Tide Rock Find the Perfect Email Marketing Talent

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Twilio Partners with Uplers to Find a Skilled Machine Learning Professional

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LycaDigital Hired Talents 40% Faster Hiring for Tech and Digital Roles with Uplers

Why Hiring an AI Engineer is Essential for Future-Proofing Your Business

Artificial Intelligence has paved its way in almost all the sectors globally from automobile to recruitment. According to Forbes statistics, the AI market size is estimated to reach $407 billion by 2027. The awareness of AI is immensely high and 64% of the businesses consider AI as a tool to foster productivity. In line with these statistics, ChatGPT received immense traction from nearly 1 million users within the first five days of its launch.

AI has become the cornerstone of innovation across industries, with its transformative capabilities redefining the way businesses operate and compete in the digital world

AI has become the cornerstone of innovation across industries, with its transformative capabilities redefining the way businesses operate and compete in the digital world. To hire AI engineers is not just a behavioral trend but a strategic move for businesses aiming to stay ahead in the competitive and evolving landscape.

This blog will offer a comprehensive overview of why AI engineers are crucial and how they can future-proof your business.

  1. Drive Innovation and Competitive Advantage

    To sustain in the tech reliant and digitally progressing era, you must go beyond off-the-shelf solutions. You must be creative in your offering by developing innovative solutions that help you steer a competitive edge in your niche.

    AI engineers can help you in this by devising technological solutions in the following ways:

    • AI engineers are specialists in developing AI algorithms that power AI applications. These algorithms enhance the overall operational efficiency, support in predictive analytics, enable task automation, and personalize customer interactions.
    • These engineers facilitate the development of innovative products by leveraging AI techniques such as machine learning and natural language processing. The intent of these innovations is to adapt to the evolving market demands and address the consumer expectations to set yourself distinctive from the competition.
    • By deploying AI-driven solutions you have the opportunity to leverage differentiation in the crowded market. These solutions offer unique functionalities, enhanced business outcomes, and enriched user experiences.
  2. Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Scalability

    The business operations need to be optimized, efficient, and scalable to address the future growth. AI engineers can assist you with this in the following ways:

    • The advent of AI helps engineers streamline the workflow, automate repetitive tasks, and optimize resource allocation. This kind of operational optimization reduces costs, minimizes scope of errors, and accelerates the time-to-market for your product.
    • AI engineers also assist with data-driven decision making. The AI-powered analytics offers actionable insights from meticulously garnered datasets. This empowers the decision-makers to confidently decide in real-time fostering agility and responsiveness to market dynamics and customer preferences.
    • To accommodate the burgeoning data volume and support business expansion, AI engineers can design scalable AI architectures. Cloud-based AI solutions introduce resilience, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and seamless scalability for the evolving business needs.
  3. Mitigate Risks and Ensure Data Security

    Cybersecurity threats are at an all-time high in the digital world and have no signs of evading. Estimates such that the cost of cyberattacks could escalate to $10.5 trillion by 2025. It’s therefore essential for businesses to safeguard against such attacks with regulatory scrutiny.

    AI engineers play a pivotal role in safeguarding business operations and sensitive data in the following ways:

    • AI-driven cybersecurity solutions help proactively detect and mitigate cyber threats. These solutions include automated incident response systems, anomaly detection, threat intelligence, etc.
    • By implementing robust data security measures AI engineers help ensure compliance with the global data protection regulations. Encryption, data anonymization, and secure data storage are some of the AI-powered techniques to safeguard customer information and foster trust.
  4. Uplers: Your Partner in AI Engineering Excellence

    Incorporating AI in your recruitment funnel might be on top of your priority, but the ‘how’ factor might be stopping you from doing it. We understand your challenge and that is where you must consider incorporating hiring platforms in your funnel. Uplers is one such platform that can help you navigate the waters with its hassle-free AI-vetting process.

    With over a decade of experience serving 7,000+ global brands Uplers can get you top-tier talent for 100+ tech and digital skills. It can help you harness the optimal potential of AI engineering through its tailored hiring approach in the following ways:

    • Gain access to an extensive network of 1M+ professionals from India from 5+ time zones.
    • Uplers does the AI-vetting process in 4-steps to evaluate the cultural fitness, language proficiency, aptitude test, and skills assessment of the talent.
    • Following the AI-screening the top 3.5% of Indian remote talent is matched with your job opening. This eliminates the hiring hassle and also saves you up to 40% on hiring costs.
    • The Uplers hiring model gives you the flexibility to scale your hiring as per your needs.

Hire AI engineers and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace by not only future-proofing your business but also positioning it for sustained growth and success in the digital-first economy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to Hire an AI Engineer?

The cost of hiring an AI engineer from Uplers starts at $1500. The number varies depending on the experience level of the developer as well as your requirements.

Will the hired AI Engineer be available during my business hours?

Yes, the hired AI Engineer will work according to your time zone, offering you the flexibility you need for effective collaboration

What are the modes of communication through which you can get in touch with the hired AI Engineer?

The modes of communication through which you can get in touch with a hired AI Engineer include:

  • Email
  • Skype
  • Phone
  • Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Slack, or Microsoft Teams

What are the benefits of Hiring an AI Engineer from Uplers?

Hire AI Engineer developers from Uplers and unveil an efficient way of executing business operations. Our talent curators take over the legwork and give you freedom from the tedious hiring process and even post-hiring responsibilities.

What is the no-risk trial period for Uplers' AI Engineer?

Uplers offers a no-risk trial period of up to 2- weeks for our talents (subject to availability). It helps build trust and confidence for clients who are unsure after the interview and makes hiring easier.

How does Uplers' transparent pricing model work?

Our transparent pricing model provides a clear breakdown of costs, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for. We eliminate hidden fees and offer customizable solutions tailored to your needs.