Find Out How Global Agencies Are Reaping 40% Profit Surge Through Remote Digital Talent Recruitment

  • Anwesha Roy
  • August 29, 2023
  • 7 Minute Read
Find Out How Global Agencies Are Reaping 40% Profit Surge Through Remote Digital Talent Recruitment

A hiring manager toiling to fill a vacancy in a digital agency is similar to completing the Labours of Hercules. Drawing up a job description, listing the vacancy on various platforms, waiting for applications, finding top talent, the tasks don’t stop when recruiting talent from India. However, the biggest challenge lies in identifying the right candidate who can merge into the agency’s culture, bring innovative ideas, manage clients, and deliver high-quality results.

In search of the ideal talent, broadening your reach and looking globally is important. Local talent is an expensive option for digital agencies amidst current economic challenges. They also lack the communication skills and experience of dealing with clients. On the other hand, remote talent is adaptable, requires little training, and is more cost-effective. As a result, 20% of digital agencies have shifted to a fully remote setup.

Let’s dive deep into the value proposition of hiring remote talent and how digital agencies can save up to 40% by choosing remote talent from India.

Why Recruit Talent Remotely?

Hiring talent locally creates a tunnel vision that impairs your scouting potential. Even with the most optimized hiring process, you will have a saturated talent pool if you have a local-first stance. More than 72% of digital agencies and tech companies face hiring issues due to a talent shortage and limited access to wider geographies.

There are a few more hiring challenges digital agencies face: 


recruiting talent

Job application overload

Small-scale digital agencies typically do not have a system in place that helps them deal with a massive number of applications. In such a case, they usually revert to human efforts and review every application, which lengthens the hiring process and increases operational costs.

Lack of screening process

Vetting a candidate’s profile is one of the most important tasks during hiring. Without a proper screening process integrated with digital tools, it is difficult for digital agencies to identify the perfect talent from the bunch.

Shortage of skilled talents

Local talents are a very limited demographic and they may not have the skill-level to tackle global projects in a digital agency. Furthermore, US and LatAm-based companies are going to face a shortage of almost 11 million tech and digital talents by 2030. To overcome this hurdle, tech and digital companies must leverage the global talent reserve which will give access to better candidates.

Limited resources

Small and mid-sized digital agencies operate on a limited budget and must make informed hiring decisions. They cannot spend big on digital tools and compete with big players with financial prowess. It is only wise for such companies to consider global talents and hire remotely, as it leads to 10x faster hiring with a 40% cost advantage.  

Looming project deadlines

Global digital agencies have to keep up with their project deadlines while scouting top talents. Juggling these tasks demands a lot of preparation, as a longer hiring cycle will impact the deadlines. Remote recruitment is the best way to find and hire the best talents and manage projects simultaneously.

Retention of top talent

Employee retention is the next big challenge after the Great Resignation and Quiet Hiring. Top talents are looking for a global employer that gives them worthy opportunities and promises career growth, and are willing to jump ship if necessary. This challenge is more daunting for small-sized digital agencies who neither have significant budgets nor a shining employer appeal. Hence, they should use remote employment as a tool and offer flexibility, learning opportunities, and client interactions to improve their chances of landing top talents. A study reveals that 62% of Indian talents are willing to work in global tech and digital companies over large-scale MNCs, if they get to utilize their niche skills. 

Recruiting Top Talent: Why Is Remote Hiring From India The Best Solution

When you switch to remote hiring from India, you can solve the above challenges without breaking a sweat.


Recruiting top talent

Access To A Wider Talent Network 

Remote hiring allows you to overlook borders and recruit talent worldwide. You can tap into the 5-million strong digital talent pool of India and hire quickly with zero compliance risks.


Tapping into talent-rich regions allows digital agencies to recruit talent with the right qualifications and experience. Furthermore, remote talent does not require office space transit expenses, and other overhead costs, leading to significant cost savings.

Better Productivity

A Time Doctor survey reveals that remote talent works 1.4 more days per month. Another study reveals that 77% of remote talent showed increased productivity versus on-site professionals. This is possible thanks to better work-life balance and reduced stress in a remote setup.

A Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

Recruiting top talent remotely allows digital agencies to create a team of diverse cultures and skillset. Such a team initiates a free flow of unique ideas and helps develop a productive workplace.

Round-the-Clock Service

Digital agencies can improve the value added to their customers by recruiting top talent remotely and setting up distributed teams across different time zones. Consequently, they can reach a wider audience and provide service across different business hours.

Why Are Global Companies Recruiting Talent From India?

Why India? Because India is a powerhouse of skilled digital talents.

  • Major countries are facing a shortage of skilled talent with the rapid increase in demand. By 2030, the global digital talent shortage will rise to 30 million. 
  • Companies now prefer to hire outside their locations to find the better fit for the job. 
  • India’s surplus of 2.5 million digital talents, as of 2023, and friendly relations with other countries make it the safest and most obvious choice to recruit remote talents. 
  • Indian talents are resourceful, adaptive, smart, and hardworking- making them thrive at work. 82% of US digital agencies prefer hiring Indian talents over other nationalities. 
  • Biggest digital agencies like Dentsu International, GroupM, and Publicis Sapient have Indian talents up the hierarchy, making them the top preference to recruit for talent in the marketplace. 
  • Both small and large-scale digital agencies are now hiring top talent in bulk since India has surplus talent. As a developing country, you can hire Indian talent at an affordable offering; due to conversion rate and compensation.

How Uplers Is Making A Difference In The Remote Hiring Space

The world of remote hiring is filled with daunting hiring challenges, and digital agencies typically require a reliable partner to get through the hiring process. Uplers subverts these challenges and assists employers in faster, more reliable, cost-effective remote hiring.

In better words, Uplers is a matchmaker of remote talent with global opportunities. Our remote hiring platform enables digital agencies to find their next hire from a pool of 500,000+ pre-vetted talent across 100+ skill sets. Many institutions have acknowledged our efforts in making remote hiring a breeze, including Indian Achievers’ Awards, Great Place to Work, and #1 Best IT/ITES Companies to Work.

We tap into the talent powerhouse of India to counter the global digital talent crunch and assist agencies in scaling up their distributed teams.

A major part of our success is due to our trademark vetting process, which ensures that we scout only the best talent available for any role. We receive 10,000 applications per month and run the profiles through stringent benchmarks to perceive their suitability to digital agencies.

The vetting process helps us in:


Finding top talent

  • Eliminating 96.5% of unfit candidates
  • Relying on HR and other teams to conduct cultural, technical, and background checks
  • Finding talent without the help of technical recruiters
  • Reducing guesswork for hiring managers by 75%
  • Enhancing the chances of the right hires by 5x

An Uplers-certified talent is refined as per the following parameters:

Strong Communication

The talent goes through a comprehensive test of their reading, writing, pronunciation, clarity, fluency, and speech. This test is essential to determine if the talent can communicate confidently with global clients.

Technical Proficiency

These are role-based tests that rigorously check the expertise of the talent’s area of specialization. This level filters the top 10% of talents.

Culturally Fit

Remote talent must be able to adapt to different company cultures. We ensure our talent aligns with the digital agency’s core values, principles, vision, and identity.

Available Across Different Time Zones

We help you hire top talent active across various time zones, so you can run your business beyond your local working hours.

Why is Uplers the Most Sought-After Choice to Hire?

Uplers has helped 7,000+ clients, including many Fortune 500 companies, hire the best remote talent in a faster cycle. We are the preferred brand for identifying, hiring, and managing remote talent without any heavy lifting. Our reliable and fast hiring process consists of the following steps:


Hiring guide for managers

Share The Job Description

You share a detailed description of the role, responsibilities, must-have skills, relevant experience, and the hiring budget. We also ask behavioral questions to help us find the right cultural fit for your digital agency. The more we learn about your ideal candidate, the easier to find them.

Review And Shortlist Profiles

We share a list of profiles per your requirements within 48 hours of receiving the job description from your end. You can review and shortlist the profiles that interest you, and then we schedule interviews for the candidates as per your convenient time slots. These in-person interviews will allow you to judge the talent’s suitability and our precision matchmaking.

Interview and Hire

Assess the talent in the interviews and share your feedback. Since the talent is pre-vetted by Uplers’ standards, you can focus more on the vibe check and rest easy regarding their technical proficiency. Our vetting process leaves no space for guesswork and drastically reduces the chances of a wrong hire.

Onboard And Manage

After you confirm the talent, we take care of all the formalities and compliance measures to ensure smooth and hassle-free onboarding. We also assign a talent success coach to initiate smooth communication between you and the talent.

Our reliable and fast hiring process empowers digital agencies to hire remote talent 10x faster and 40% cheaper. With Uplers by your side, you can hire remote talent in less than five days and manage them seamlessly from our platform.

Top Skills You Can Hire From India:


How to recruit the best talent

Start Recruiting Remotely With Uplers 

Numerous big digital agencies, like Incubeta and Brill Media, hire remote talent to build teams of varied skill sets while saving significant costs. If you also want to upscale your workforce and hire top talent, choose to hire remotely.

Partner with Uplers to fully leverage the potential of remote Indian talent and expand your workforce in record time. In addition to scouting and onboarding, we assist in overseeing payroll, IT, logistical, and administrative support to ensure the best talent management experience. You have no obligation or compulsion to hire our suggested talent, as we have a deep pool of talent where we can find multiple talent choices.

Contact us now to fulfill your hiring requirements quickly and cost-effectively.


Anwesha RoyLinkedin

Sr. Content Marketing Strategist
Meet Anwesha, the content strategist and toddler tamer extraordinaire! Armed with a laptop and a secret snacks stash, she easily conquers brand campaigns and sticky situations. With a witty mind and a diaper bag full of creativity, Anwesha conquers chaos and conquers copywriting with equal charm.

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