11 Examples Of Insanely Successful and Popular React Native App

  • Siften Halwai
  • August 1, 2023
  • 7 Minute Read
11 Examples Of Insanely Successful and Popular React Native App

React Native’s framework is a product of Facebook and it has been revolutionising the mobile app development industry. Unlike Native development, react native app allows developers to create top-quality applications for both iOS & Android using a single codebase.

Besides that, it also enables developers to create true, natively rendering mobile apps. This allows a smoother user experience across all devices. Based on JavaScript, it provides increased accessibility for a vast pool of developers.

React Native app development is versatile, efficient, and performance-oriented. It is playing a key role today in the world of mobile app development. Today, React Native is winning the race between React vs React Native and gaining preference from Tech Giants across the world.

Why Do Tech Giants Prefer React Native App for Mobile App Development?

Many tech giants today are looking to hire React Native developers due to the increasing popularity of the framework. It allows faster processing and editing for developers.

Hence, any changes in the experience can be spotted immediately. It also eliminates the need for two separate teams for Android and iOS. The development process becomes streamlined and consistent for both platforms by creating a React Native app.

React Native apps feel like they are exclusively developed for iOS or Android. This is because React Native uses the GPU instead of the CPU. The performance of these apps is faster than any other cross-platform hybrid technologies.

This kind of performance advantage is one of the core reasons why most tech giants prefer React Native app development over any other framework.

React Native is based on JavaScript and it is familiar to many developers. This makes app development much easier and quicker. React Native app also allows developers to see the results of the changes made, without restarting the app. This feature speeds up the development process and makes it even more efficient.

Advantages Of Having A React Native App

Advantages of React Native Apps

React Native offers several advantages for mobile app development and hence, many businesses today choose to hire React Native developers. Let us look at some of these advantages below:

React Native App Is Time-saving

The majority of the code in React Native is cross-platform, so it works for iOS as well as Android devices. This allows the developers to build a single app for both platforms. They end up saving huge amounts of time and money with this.

React Native Apps Are Cost-effective

Companies can build their native apps for iOS & Android at almost half their cost using React Native. It is also much easier and more cost-effective to provide updates on these apps simultaneously. Generally, tech giants prefer to hire React Native developers from India where they get the best combination of talent and cost-effectiveness.

React Native App Delivers High Performance

React Native apps behave no differently than exclusive iOS or Android apps. It uses the GPU for rendering, which is faster and more efficient than the CPU. This already puts you ahead of the competition using other hybrid technologies.

React Native App Offers Flexibility

React Native is quite efficient for the development teams to build good quality apps. The interface in React Native makes it easy for new developers to continue from where the previous developers left off. This makes React Native more flexible for the entire team.

Top 11 React Native Apps

There are many companies using React Native today in their mobile apps rather than opting for regular Native apps. Let’s have a look at the most popular React native apps below:

Popular React Native Apps

1. Facebook

Facebook being the inventor of the framework, was obviously the first React Native app. Facebook remains one of the biggest names using React Native today. It led to many other companies following their footsteps and looking to hire React Native Developers from India.

Indian developers became a default choice due to their technical soundness and cost-effectiveness. This framework has benefits like quick iteration and having a single team to develop the entire app and Facebook wanted to bring them to mobile. Hence, React Native was created which Facebook used to revamp its main app. The result was quite magnificent as the app became two times faster!

2. Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads was the first ever fully cross-platform react native app developed by Facebook using React Native. It handles a variety of ad formats, time zones, and currencies. Not only that, it also deals with a huge amount of data every minute. With React Native, Facebook was able to ensure a smooth, high-quality experience for its users on both platforms.

3. Walmart

Walmart is one of the biggest retail corporations in the world and is also a leading React Native mobile app today. They chose to integrate React Native into their existing app structure to enhance their user experience. They aimed to introduce advanced technologies in the market to stay ahead of the competition. 

With React Native, Walmart was able to share almost the entire codebase between apps of both platforms. This led to several performances as well as experience enhancements within a very short span.

4. Bloomberg

Bloomberg is a global leader in business and finance data, news, and insight today. They used React Native to develop a new mobile app on both platforms for their customers. The new app provided users with a more streamlined, interactive experience with easy access to personalized content across Bloomberg’s media. 

The use of React Native allowed Bloomberg to deliver the app quickly on both iOS and Android platforms, with the whole process taking the developers only five months. Today, Bloomberg is a leading React Native mobile app in its space.

5. Instagram 

Instagram, the popular photo and video-sharing social networking service, integrated React Native into their existing native app to add push notifications. The company found that with React Native, 85%-90% of the code could be shared between the iOS and Android apps, allowing the development team to deliver the app faster than expected. This led to significant improvements in the app’s performance and user experience.

6. SoundCloud Pulse 

SoundCloud Pulse’s platform helps creators to manage their accounts and engage with their community. They have been using the React Native framework ever since they encountered challenges in finding quality iOS developers. The threat of a huge gap between Android and iOS apps could have damaged their hype. As a result, SoundCloud Pulse didn’t face any troubles and they found it simple to launch both the iOS and Android apps with React Native.

7. Townske

The popular travel-oriented app – Townske, is also built using React Native. It caters to several mobile platforms including Android and iOS. Their app provides a consistent, smooth, and high-quality user experience across all platforms owing to the React Native framework.

8. Gyroscope

Gyroscope – the community health app, is built using React Native. It caters to a huge audience and provides them with a smooth user experience on iOS & Android. They were also able to share the complete codebase between both platforms, leading to reduced development time and better maintenance.

9. Wix

Wix is a globally popular website creation platform and also one of the most well-known React Native apps. It has features like handling navigation, configurable navigation, and screen options with an updated codebase. React Native makes Wix more consistent and allows the users a good experience across platforms. It also makes maintenance easier by a great deal.

10. Delivery.com

Delivery.com is a popular React Native app offering delivery services to its customers via online ordering for groceries, food joints, wine shops, and laundry providers. It is built using React Native framework and ensures a great user experience that is also able to handle a good amount of traffic. It shares its codebase between both platforms and hence, takes very little time in updating it for the users every now and then.

11. Discord

The popular chat platform – Discord uses React Native for efficient mobile app development. This helped them improve their user experience and also reliability across all platforms. The cross-platform code of React Native accelerated the development and made maintenance easier. 

This allowed Discord to add many new features, enhance user experience and make it a favorite among gamers and other communities. Today, it is a community-favorite React native application.

The Future Of React Native Apps

The future of React Native Apps seems as bright as ever with the dawn of cross-platform app development at a large scale. React native apps have already become a go-to choice for many businesses. But it’s not only that. 

React Native is constantly evolving. Facebook and open-source communities have been actively investing in the development of React Native to ensure that the framework stays updated with the latest trends.

The demand for a react native application is becoming more common across various sectors. This solidifies the position of React Native in the market. With faster development and cost-effectiveness, everyone is realizing the true value of React Native. 

Moreover, the rise of new technologies like Augmented reality (AR) & Virtual reality (VR) opens us new avenues for cross-platform development. With its flexibility and adaptability, React Native is in a good position to integrate these new technologies. That would open up a huge scope of mobile apps, especially those using React Native framework. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of developing mobile apps, Uplers is a reliable partner for businesses looking to leverage the power of React Native. With our deep expertise and commitment to staying updated with the trends, we help businesses up their mobile app development game to a whole new level!


React Native apps use powerful, modern technology that allows businesses to engage with their customers globally without spending on native app development for each platform. But it requires great technical acumen as well as cost-effectiveness to make the business profitable. That is why many companies choose to hire React Native developers from India. They are highly skilled and efficient in every way for React Native app development for your business which makes a difference.

If you are looking to expand your reach to smartphones, hiring skilled React Native developers is a must. And while hiring, it is important to ask the right questions to React Native Developers to ensure their technical know-how and aptitude. At Uplers, we have streamlined global remote hiring and made it effortless for you to connect with top tech talents of the world. We are not just a hiring agency, but your strategy partner in digital growth!

Uplers offers a proven, flexible model with which you can hire dedicated remote developers or have an entire React native app project managed by us. We ensure that you get the perfect talent for your needs while reducing your hiring costs and saving time. After onboarding, we also take responsibility for the complete life cycle of the talent at your company. This would allow you to focus on your core business.

In a way, Uplers bridges the gap between your business needs and the top tech talent of the world. We aim to provide value to both parties through innovative solutions, processes, and people!

Siften HalwaiLinkedin

Sr. Content Marketing Strategist
Have you heard of tech professionals with a knack for marketing? Siften is a Software developer by degree but a Content Marketing Strategist by profession. Apart from being a great chef, foodie, poet, and adventure lover, he has the dexterity for producing quality content. Understanding the consumer persona and curating engaging content strategically is his forte and he strives for excellence.