Key iOS Developer Interview Questions to Ask When Hiring iOS Developers

  • Sathvik Poojary
  • July 24, 2024
  • 6 Minute Read
Key iOS Developer Interview Questions to Ask When Hiring iOS Developers

Are you looking for a dedicated developer to start your next project? The process of choosing an excellent candidate extends beyond technical capability. Successful developers possess technical talents and a variety of complementary talents. These skills include innovative problem-solving, practical cooperation, and time management.

So, how can you question a developer like a seasoned interviewer? Here’s a road map that will help you remain on course by focusing on the types of sites you should check. We’ll also go over some iOS developer interview questions you must ask to hire the experienced iOS developer for your next project. 

Key Technical Skills and Knowledge iOS Developer Interview Questions

The fundamental truth is that every iOS developer must have a solid technological basis. Here are some questions you might ask to determine their technical abilities.

iOS Development Experience

Use these iOS developer interview questions to determine whether the individual has expertise with or knowledge of OS development.

Interview Questions for iOS Developer

  • Can you guide me through an iOS app that you built from scratch?

  • What issues did you confront, and how did you overcome them?

  • How comfortable will you be working with Objective-C-based legacy code?

  • Describe your experience extending or troubleshooting existing legacy code.

Proficiency in Swift and Objective-C

Proficiency in Swift and Objective-C


A competent developer should be knowledgeable about both Swift and Objective-C.

Interview Questions

  • When would you use Swift rather than Objective-C?

  • Can you write a tiny code snippet in Swift or Objective-C to demonstrate some functionality?

  • How do you deal with mistakes in Swift or Objective-C code?

Understanding of iOS Frameworks and APIs

Using iOS developer interview questions look for examples that demonstrate how developers can leverage tools to make app development more straightforward.

Interview Questions

  • Tell me about a project in which you needed to incorporate a third-party API into your iOS app.

  • How do you stay current with Apple’s latest iOS frameworks and APIs?

  • Tell me about a specific framework or API and how you use it.

Knowledge of UI/UX Design Principles

The candidate should grasp the fundamentals of UI/UX design.

Interview Questions

  • Can you discuss your UI/UX considerations while building an iOS app?

  • How do you generally collaborate with UI/UX designers during development?

  • Can you describe a situation in which you had to turn a design concept into a functional app UI?

Experience with Version Control Systems

Look for references to the use of either Git or another version control system. 

Interview Questions

  • What are some benefits of utilizing version control systems like Git while designing an app?

  • How would you describe different Git branching techniques like feature and release branches?

  • Do you know any GUI clients for Git, such as GitHub Desktop?

Problem-Solving and Analytical Abilities

Aside from technical expertise, a skilled iOS developer must be able to solve difficulties and improve his code. Here are some samples of iOS developer interview questions:

Algorithm and Data Structure Proficiency

The candidate should grasp the fundamentals of UI/UX design.

Interview Questions

  • Can you discuss some of your UI/UX considerations while building an iOS app?

  • How do you generally collaborate with UI/UX designers during development?

  • Can you describe a situation in which you had to turn a design concept into a functional app UI?

Debugging and Troubleshooting Skills

Identifying and resolving bugs is crucial for delivering a polished app. Let’s explore your debugging and troubleshooting interview questions for iOS developers.

Interview Questions

  • Describe a scenario where an iOS app you built exhibits unexpected behavior. Walk me through your thought process for debugging the issue and identifying the potential cause.

  • What’s your typical approach to debugging a complex issue within an iOS app?

Optimization Techniques for Performance

Ask queries that address performance concerns such as memory utilization or battery consumption.

iOS Developer Interview Questions

  • Did you ever perform an app speed improvement to improve memory or battery life?

  • Are there any profiling tools that can assist you in finding performance bottlenecks?

  • Please provide an example of when and how you improved code for app performance.

  • How do you feel about effectively managing resources like memory?

Real-world Scenario Handling

A developer’s portfolio should demonstrate their competence to handle real-world difficulties. Let’s look at some interview questions for iOS developer

Interview Questions

  • Describe an app you launched and one real-world issue it solved.

  • How do users report odd app behavior, and how would you respond?

  • Was your portfolio project a collaboration between designers and testers?

  • Can you identify a scenario in which clear communication is required for an app feature?

Creativity in Problem Solving

Now, let’s look at some questions that would help you gauge whether the candidate can think creatively to overcome challenges and find efficient solutions.

Interview Questions

  • Describe an instance in which you had to devise a unique solution to a challenging constraint in an app.

  • How did you use limits to inspire creativity while developing an app feature?

  • Tell me examples of how you used creativity to improve the user experience.

Project Management and Collaboration Skills

Some initiatives require the capacity to coordinate activities and cooperate. Use persons who either work in a team or use project management software.

Experience with Agile and Scrum Methodologies

Agile and Scrum are the most prevalent project management approaches for app development. Let’s look at some interview questions for iOS developers:

Interview Questions

  • Have you ever utilized Agile or Scrum to build projects?

  • What were your responsibilities in the daily stand-up meetings?

  • How do you handle changes within a sprint cycle?

Communication skills

A developer must have excellent communication skills, especially when working in a team. 

Interview Questions

  • Explain any complicated technological topic to non-technical people.

  • How do you resolve project issues among team members?

  • Describe an experience in which you effectively conveyed the project’s status to stakeholders.

Time Management and Meeting Deadlines

Look for experience stating deadlines or completion dates. 

Interview Questions

  • Have you ever missed a deadline? What have you done?

  • Describe how you estimate project timelines.

  • What are your techniques for achieving deadlines while maintaining quality?

Team Collaboration Tools

Team Collaboration Tools - iOS developer


Look for familiarity with team communication platforms such as Slack, Jira, and Trello. 

Interview Questions

  • Have you utilized any collaborative software, such as Slack or Trello?

  • How much experience do you have working remotely with teammates?

  • Are you comfortable providing and receiving comments via Internet platforms?

Leadership and Mentoring Abilities

Look for experience in which the developer has taken on a leadership position, such as coaching junior developers or influencing technical decisions. 

Interview Questions

  • Have you ever mentored a junior developer? How did you guide them?

  • Describe any situations in which you took the initiative to lead a project assignment.

  • How do you encourage and empower your team members?

  • Are you comfortable providing constructive comments and guidance?

Portfolio and Past Projects

A developer’s portfolio is a hub for showcasing their best work. Here’s how to effectively review it:

Review of Published Apps

Look for applications available in the app shop or any other shop. This signifies that the developer has expertise in the whole development cycle, from coding to app store submission.

Interview Question 

  • Please walk me through a released app that you’re proud of.

  • Did user feedback highlight any areas for improvement?

  • How did you manage app store submission and deployment?

Code Samples and Repositories

Search for open-source code repositories on websites such as GitHub. Version control allows you to examine the coding style, code quality, and prospective collaborative opportunities.

Interview Questions

  • Please share an example of code that reflects your coding style. (Public repositories are preferred.)

  • How do you interact using version control systems such as Git?

  • Do your repositories provide outstanding examples of explicit code documentation

Client and Team Feedback

Collect input from previous clients or team members on his work habits, communication abilities, and time management skills.

Interview Questions

  • Did any of the clients offer any comments on your development work?

  • How do you help your coworkers maintain the quality of the code?

  • Can you describe one instance when feedback helped you improve your code?

Innovative Features and Solutions

The portfolio should include work with distinctive characteristics and innovative problem-solving abilities. Here are some iOS app development interview questions:

Interview Questions

  • Highlight one of your portfolio’s distinctive qualities that demonstrates a high point.

  • How did you overcome technical hurdles in integrating new solutions?

  • Have you ever looked into and proposed new technology for a project?

Project Complexity and Scale

The intricacy and scope of a developer’s prior projects reflect their level of expertise and skill set. Here are some iOS app development interview questions:

Interview Questions

  • Tell me of a project that had some sophisticated functionality.

  • Have you ever worked on an app that has a significant user base?

  • How did you approach working with a huge development team?


Looking through a developer’s portfolio provides valuable information about their technical abilities. You don’t just want a great developer; you want someone who can think creatively, communicate with others, and complete tasks on schedule.

The iOS developer interview questions addressed during the interview shed light on their problem-solving talents, communication style, and work ethic. This way, you will have a complete picture of the candidate.

Want to hire iOS developers for your project? Uplers links you to a network of pre-screened iOS talent, easing the recruiting process. Create your desired app with confidence; contact us today!

Sathvik PoojaryLinkedin

Sr. SEO Specialist
With 5+ years of experience as an SEO specialist and currently working for Uplers, Sathvik has a strong foot in handling on-page, off-page, content strategy, and lead generation. He holds global exposure of helping a considerable number of US clients with SEO. To stay on top of the game Sathvik is an inquisitive learner watching out for the latest industry trends. Apart from that, if you want a list of series to binge-watch or cuisines to try Sathvik is the person to ask.

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