5 Major Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring PHP Developers From India

  • Shachi Dixit
  • July 9, 2024
  • 7 Minute Read
5 Major Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring PHP Developers From India

The majority of the hiring managers need more suitable talent in their regions. 1 out of 3 hiring managers claim it is challenging to find the right talent for the job, which is cumulative of more than 90% of HR sailing in the same boat. 

Besides the global demand-supply gap, hiring managers are also concerned about missing on key skills and expertise when they prefer local talent. The geographical hiring barrier restricts access to a limited talent network and also puts screws to inviting fresh perspectives from culturally diverse talent. This is where hiring managers end up with the possibility of making a bad hire while abiding by the time crunch.

To elude this challenge, many global companies are expanding the Indian headcount in their workforce. In the last 5 years, 65% of businesses in the US, UK, and Australia have turned to Indian talent. It’s the best option in the fast-paced business world due to the broad skill set, global readiness, and cost-effectiveness that Indian talents bring.

To be resilient to the hiring adversity in terms of global layoffs, recession in the IT economy, fear of hyperinflations, etc. you must consider Indian talent. Global leaders like Google have joined this bandwagon and more global companies are showing openness to Indian talent as the salary expectations of local talent are increasing. 

The prominent demand for an established online business presence and the tech talent surplus in India has intensified the need for hiring PHP developers from India. Additionally, the boom in the web development and e-commerce industry shoots up the demand for tech talent like PHP developers. 

The talent war is heating up and you need to stay ahead in your hiring game to secure the best talent in the industry. The sole intent of this blog is to educate you about what red flags you must look for to hire PHP talent effortlessly.

Why Hire PHP Developers From India?

India is regarded as the world’s largest network of diverse, skilled, and tech-proficient workers. The tech sector in India is poised for continued growth, with revenue expected to reach $253.9 billion in 2024. The latest tech trends 2024 report by Deloitte India reveals that India continues to lead the global tech sector. 

India’s tech talent industry is on an upward trajectory, having a talent availability that can’t be matched anywhere else. Several leading reasons for the rise in the demand to hire PHP web developers in India include:

1 Extensive Talent Network

India boasts an extensive tech talent market that helps address the demand-supply gap globally. From a staggering 3.8 million in 2021 to over 5.4 million people in 2023, India continues to have a deep tech talent base with the numbers expected to keep rising. 

2. Cost-effectiveness

India is known for its cost-effective talent offering services at low development costs due to the low living cost. It’s 5-6 times less compared to the Western countries. This is mainly due to the difference in the cost of living which includes the basic necessities such as food, housing, transportation, healthcare, etc.

Additionally, other economic factors that contribute to this cost-effectiveness include:

  • Vast talent network of young professionals and graduates.
  • The currency exchange rate for INR is substantially lower compared to foreign currencies such as USD, EUR, Pound, etc.
  • India has a mature outsourcing industry that is well-integrated in the global economies reducing overhead costs and enhancing efficiency. 

3. Culturally Compatible

When you hire PHP developers from India they are deeply rooted to the cultural backgrounds and ethics of the workplace. As a result, they can easily adapt to your company culture, values, and mission along with the evolving business needs and market dynamics.  

4. Strong Educational Background

Indian tech professionals are regarded to be the most valued talent with a robust educational background. They are highly sought after with high accreditations and constantly polish their knowledge along with excellent communication and a strong work ethic. 

5. Global Exposure

India’s tech talent is making its mark in the global ecosystem from startups like Flipkart to global tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Adobe, IBM, and many more. Therefore, the PHP developers from India have the experience of working for global clients and can put their diverse perspectives to fruitful use. 

6. Flexible Working Hours

India is located in a distinct yet convenient time zone for Western countries like Europe, the USA, etc. You can leverage this time disparity to your advantage by availing round-the-clock productivity. You have two teams working on your project execution resulting in an agile time to market and constant operational support.   

The number of Indian talents employed in the leading global economies looks something like this:

  • USA

According to 2020 Statista reports, Indian tech professionals are in high demand in the USA. A whopping 74.9% of the employees in US companies were Indians and the figures continue to rise ever since. 

  • UK

As per the Office for National Statistics data collated by the UK Home Office, Indian nationals are at the top in cross-sector skilled work. This trend is expected to continue in the future years. 

  • Singapore

The percentage of Indian professionals in Singapore has doubled from 13% to 26% from 2005 to 2020, with the figures expected to keep rising upwards. 

  • Australia

According to Australia’s last census as of 2023, Indians are the second largest migrant group. This wave has been driven by the tech sector, with a growing demand for skilled workers.

How to Hire PHP Developers from India?

As per a 2022 LinkedIn report, 76% of hiring managers state that attracting the right candidates is their biggest pain area. This is majorly due to the talent shortage and the unawareness of where and how to hire to address the deficit. 

This is where hiring PHP developers from India can serve as a smart hiring tactic. Plan your hiring funnel in the right manner for an effortless and streamlined process. This undoubtedly includes defining your requirements clearly, drafting a detailed job description, understanding the hiring challenges, and strategizing your hiring approach likewise. When we say hiring approach, there are ‘n’ number of ways you can adopt. But choosing what suits best as per your project needs is the key to answering the ‘HOW’ in the hiring funnel. 

  1. The number one traditionally followed approach could be to use online job boards and networking sites like Indeed, Naukri, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, etc. Post your job opening and connect with potential job seekers. But, it’s not as plain sailing as it sounds! You might face the challenge of not getting traction from the right candidates despite having the right JD and spending substantial time.
  2. You might then think of opting for recruitment agencies or outsourcing partners. They could streamline the hiring process by providing you with suitable candidate profiles. However, here you might find that they are not transparent with their pricing and are also charging heavily for irrelevant profiles that they share.
  3. The next approach could be to turn to freelance platforms. While this engagement model gives you the flexibility to scale your team size as per your project feasibility, there is a lot of uncertainty. The dedicated time and efforts are missing when it comes to freelancers and these are vital aspects in contributing to project success.  

After going through the pros and cons of these hiring approaches you might think of giving up on the idea to hire PHP developers from India. That’s where hiring platforms like Uplers enter the plot.

Uplers can resolve all these challenges and help you close your job opening without further ado. Based on your job description and an AI-vetting process Uplers ensures that only the top 3.5% of relevant Indian candidate profiles make it to your inbox. Additionally, our transparent pricing model keeps you aware about our nominal cut in the hiring process. The option to hire on Uplers payroll also resolves your concern of the overwhelming payroll and compliance process. With zero-hiring hassle and up to 40% cost-savings hire full-time Indian talent with stability and reliability. 

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring PHP Developers From India

When you hire a PHP web developer in India, some of the potential red flags you must consider for an effortless recruitment process are:

1. Overlooking Cultural Differences and Flexible Working Hours

Being open to hiring from the global marketplace means you have candidates coming from distinct time zones and diverse cultural backgrounds. To leverage these differences to your advantage, you must assess their cultural compatibility and establish overlapping work hours. 

This will ensure that their culture aligns with your company culture and the entire team is available to communicate and collaborate. 

2. Inadequate Screening and Interview Process

When hiring PHP developers from India or outsourcing from any other country, you must thoroughly evaluate the profiles. 43% of the bad hires are made due to insufficient evaluation and checks. 

To eliminate this, you must choose a hiring platform that does the prerequisites for you. They help you with the AI-powered screening process that includes background verification, aptitude tests, skills assessments, cultural and technical evaluations, and language proficiency. By assessing candidates on these criteria, the hiring platforms simplify talent shortlisting with little or no legwork for you. 

3. Ignoring the Importance of Soft Skills

Overlooking the importance of soft skills and overemphasizing technical proficiency can backfire. Let’s say a PHP developer is thorough with the frameworks and languages but doesn’t know how to put them into practical use. Would that knowledge matter in goal attainment?

PHP developers should have a mix of technical expertise and soft skills such as communication power, coordination spirit, attention to detail, time management, problem-solving approach, creative mindset, etc. 

4. Not Keeping Transparent Pricing

Leverage a transparent pricing model where even the employees are looped in. This will promote fairness in your compensation strategy and will help you attract more qualified PHP talent. 

For equitable and competitive salary offering you can explore the salary analysis tool available in the market. This will offer you a comprehensive salary analysis, industry salary scales, and a range for entry to senior-level roles for 100+ tech and digital roles. Garner this real-time salary insight and align your compensation with the existing salary trends and expectations in the industry. 

5. Inadequate Onboarding and Integration

A cumbersome and time-consuming onboarding can result in drawing away the attention of the candidates. It can hamper the seamless integration of the newbies in your existing team dynamics. Therefore, have a concise onboarding process but include all details such as orientation, drawing proper agreements, etc. 

Wrapping Up

The global tech talent shortage is close to becoming extinct but will magnify in response to the increasing layoffs. The only solution to beat the talent shortage is to hire PHP developers in India. With a net surplus of 245 million qualified tech talents, India is a preferred choice for 58% of the global leaders including the big bulls such as Google, IBM, Amazon, and many more.

Reputed recruitment agencies and talent networks can offer access to an extensive network of qualified, skilled, and pre-vetted professionals. Partnering with a hiring platform like Uplers can help you hire the top 3.5% of AI-vetted Indian talent from an extensive network of 1M+ professionals. 

With the right partner and guidance, you can streamline global recruitment without making any mistakes. Uplers can help you save up to 40% on hiring costs so that you can utilize this amount for other substantial investments. From finding the right fit for the job to understanding the salary benchmarking for the right fit Indian talent, Uplers will be with you in every step of the journey. Whether you are a bootstrap startup or an MNC, Uplers is here to help you effortlessly address the talent gap for 100+ tech and digital skill sets. 

Shachi DixitLinkedin

SEO Lead
Shachi is just the person you need for all your SEO-related needs. Exhibiting a strong professional track record of over a decade, she is trained to manage any situation under immense pressure. Ensuring supremacy in client relationships, timely deliverables, and exceptional service are her strengths. As the Senior Engine Optimization Lead at Uplers Shachi is responsible for the whole and soul of SEO on-page, off-page, and content marketing. When she is not on the clock, you will find her enjoying road trips as a carefree traveler and nature lover.

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